Ideals are like stars;
you will not succeed in touching them with your hands.
But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters,
you choose them as your guides,
and following them you will reach your destiny.
-Carl Schurz
The ideal cannot be confined
to a fixed idea.
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
The ideal has many names,
and beauty is but one of them.
-W. Somerset Maugham
The ideal itself is but truth
clothed in the forms of art.
-Octave Feuillet
Ideals we do not make.
We discover, not invent, them.
-Charles Henry Parkhurst
All genuine ideals have one thing in common:
they express the desire for something not yet accomplished
but which is desirable
for the purpose of the growth and happiness of the individual.
-Erich Fromm
Our ideals are ever present;
they are either consciously of unconsciously
the bases for the motivating forces in our lives.
-Edgar Cayce
The very fact of the ideal being present in your mind
foreshadows its fulfillment.
-A.P. Mukerji
Ideality consists of the rainbow rays
of the intellect.
-Alfred Mercier
Ideality is the avante-courier
of the mind.
-Horace Mann
A man's ideal determines all the rest,
for it is an active agent in his life and produces specific results,
digging deep into his being
and cleansing and organizing all the disparate elements
into a harmonious whole.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Be practical as well as generous in your ideals.
Keep your eyes on the stars,
but remember to keep your feet on the ground.
-Theodore Roosevelt
First know thy ideals - spiritually, mentally, materially.
And in the spiritual -
know that the ideal must be that which is able to keep
whatever may be committed unto it against any experience.
-Edgar Cayce
Ideals are principles
acted upon by your mind.
-Edgar Cayce
Don't part company with your ideals.
They are anchors in a storm.
-Arnold Glasgow
It is the focus on the highest ideal day after day
that saves life from being wrapped up in small whirlwinds.
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
The ideal is the only absolute real;
and it must become the real
in the individual life as well,
however impossible they may count it
who have never tried it.
-George Macdonald
The Ideal is not opposed to the Real, but to the Actual.
The Ideal is the Real.
The Actual is but the apparent and the temporary.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
What we need most
is not so much to realize the ideal
as to idealize the real.
-Frederic Henry Hedge
The actual well seen is ideal.
-Thomas Carlyle
The true ideal is not opposed to the real,
nor is any artificial heightening thereof, but lies within it;
and blessed are the eyes that find it.
-James Russell Lowell
The life of the ideal is in the practical.
Every aspect of a person's life
is arranged fashioned, modeled and formed
in accordance with his ideal.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Unless every small detail in your daily life
is in harmony with the high ideals you profess,
then those ideals have no meaning.
-Etty Hillesum
What thy destiny is depends upon
what ye shall do with thyself in relationship to thy ideal.
-Edgar Cayce
The ideal is within you,
and the obstacle to reaching the ideal is also within you.
-Leo Tolsoy
The greater the ideal,
the greater the sacrifice it demands.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
No sacrifice is lost for a great ideal.
-Emma Goldman
An ideal cannot wait
for its realization to prove its validity.
-George Santayana
All men are prepared to accomplish the incredible
if their ideals are threatened.
-Hermann Hesse
Only a high ideal brings fulfillment.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
A high ideal is the only thing
that can fill every void in man.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
There should be no gulf
between the ideal and its realization.
-N. Sri Ram
The ideal must become the object of love.
-A. Dorner
Our ideals are our better selves.
-Amos Bronson Alcott
There is no force so democratic
as the force of an ideal.
-Calvin Coolidge
Without a great ideal
there can be no great movement.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Every dogma has its day,
but ideals are eternal.
 -Israel Zangwill
Ideals are the world's masters.
-Josiah Gilbert Holland
Men may not have the same idea.
Man - all men - may have the same Ideal.
-Edgar Cayce
Self-realization is the greatest ideal in life.
It is the most difficult of all ideals to fulfill.
The ideal to have ethical perfection
is just below the ideal of Self-realization
but this will lead to Self-realization.
A divine life in a divine body
is the formula of the ideal that we envisage.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Thy spiritual ideal,
whether it be Jesus, Buddha, mind, material, God or whatever,
is the word which indicates to self the ideals spiritual.
-Edgar Cayce
...the purest and grandest ideal - the symbol of symbols -
namely, the immortal Divine Spirit in man,
whether it be called Horus, Krishna, Buddha, or Christ.
-Helena P. Blavatsky